We love nostalgia at JACK. Which shouldn’t be a surprise, considering the music we play. So of course we get geeked up when we read that “Vinyl Sales Are Up” or when we walk into a 7-11 and can buy a Crystal Pepsi. Or when we find out that cassette tapes are making a resurgence!

We’ll never forget our first tape deck. Maybe you were lucky and had a dual tape deck with high-speed dubbing? Or maybe the fancy fast-forward/skip feature that would take your tape directly to the next song? Or maybe you were loyal to your Walkman? No matter how you played your tapes, we’ve all worn a few tapes down to the point they would barely work and they’ve been a huge part of the history of popular music. So it’s pretty cool to see that these relics of days gone by are still being produced, even if the audio quality isn’t as great as vinyl or CD.

Check out this neat 5-minute video on how cassette tapes are made. What a process!

Filed under: Cassette Tapes, Geeky Stuff, Nostalgia