A few months back, on this very website, I stated that “vinyl was lame!” It was outdated, most vinyl collectors were snobby and so on! Then I started tuning into JACK Up The ’80s with my friend and coworker Larry Hennessey, and my opinion has changed. Over the last few months I’ve been really getting back into collecting music. I’ve been sitting back and enjoying music like I did in high school! And slowly I can feel that I’m turning into a bit of a vinyl snob myself (and I should really apologize for my previous blog).

This started a great debate here at JACK HQ. What do you do that would be considered snobby?


I took a walk on the inside and, other than being a vinyl snob, I came up with the following traits:

– Drinking milk or cream after the best of date – I can’t do it! Not a chance, and I look sideways at those who do, and that’s a bit snobby!

– I feel anyone with a tattoo of a Tasmanian devil holding a hockey stick….is Lame! Just lame. I know, snobby!


And then there’s snobby things that other people do:

– When people refer to themselves in the third person online…I can’t stand that guy!

– When people make everything into a social justice post online.

For example:

Post: “Hey, I just bought a new record from Bruce Springsteen…what’s your favourite Bruce track?”

Comment: “Instead of record shopping you should volunteer your time at a homeless shelter and give back like I do.”




So yeah, there’s a few things that I am a “SNOB” about.

On a snobby level of 1-10, where do you think I fit? Oh ya…and what are you a snob about? You know there’s something!

Tweet me! @KennyOnJACK

Love your face!

Filed under: Afternoons with Kenny Jones, Kenny Jones, Snob, Vinyl, Vinyl Snob